
Showing posts from November, 2022

How Society Should Handle the Displacement of Work by Technology

Image: Royal Caribbean's Bionic Bar  Let's face it, a lot of people do not like going to work. In fact, only 49% of workers in the United States are satisfied with their job, according to  2016 statistics from Pew Research . However, even if a large swath of the population despises their job, there is a clear reason almost all of us have to do it. That reason is that we have all seen the consequences of what happens when people in our own lives get laid off and when jobs leave a region en masse. Case in point, the second of these scenarios happened in many towns and cities in the Great Lakes region of the United States where problems such as drug  addiction ,  hunger , and  poverty  have risen after  factories closed during the 2000s .   There were many causes of the decline in factory jobs in this region of the United States during the 2000s. However, one of the reasons job losses have occurred throughout history is due to changes in technology. In fact, with every change in